An easy way to get sport highlights. Supports different types of highlights including live events, injuries, game recaps, post match interviews & many more.
Are you using a different sport API but still want highlights? No problem, a simple search by team name will do the trick!
Aggregating data from over 950+ leagues across different sports. Supporting amateur leagues as well.
Team coverage is growing daily with almost over 40000+ teams being collected. Find your seasonal highlights for your favourite team!
Wide variety of markets and selections, offering extensive odds for every preference. Wide spectrum of options ensuring a tailored betting experience.
Over 100+ supported bookmakers. Integrate your favorite bookmakers with ease and confidence, improving your websites betting functionality.
Global coverage with over +170 countries. More soon to follow.
In order to get started, we suggest you to follow these 4 simple steps and start publishing highlights on your website today.
If at any point you feel like you are stuck or need assistance, feel free to reach out [email protected].
1. Create a Highlightly or RapidApi Account
Decide on which platform you want to use. If you are looking for long term plan discounts, join Highlighlty otherwise you can go with RapidAPI.
2. Explore our API by sending demo requests
Play around with our API and read the docs to better understand the request flow
3. Choose a plan that best fits your needs
We offer 4 different plans you can choose between. Pick the one that works best for you and subscribe
4. Obtain your API token and store it somewhere safe on your server
Keep your token somewhere safe, it should never be publicly exposed. Use it to query our API servers
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